Bible Dictionary Definitions

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Translation Verse         Text
Strong Concordance Ps 3:7 Arise [06965], O LORD [03068]; save [03467] me, O my God [0430]: for thou hast smitten [05221] all mine enemies [0341] upon the cheek bone [03895]; thou hast broken [07665] the teeth [08127] of the ungodly [07563].

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Word Easton Dictionary - Definition
CHEEK Smiting on the cheek was accounted a grievous injury and insult (Job 16:10; Lam. 3:30; Micah 5:1). The admonition (Luke 6:29), "Unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other," means simply, "Resist not evil" (Matt. 5:39; 1 Pet. 2:19-23). Ps. 3:7 = that God had deprived his enemies of the power of doing him injury.