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Results For Word: GIFTS

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Word American Tract Society - Definition
GIFTS Have been common from the earliest times as tokens of affection, honor, or respect. The dues to a king were often rendered in this form, 1Sa 10:27 Isa 36:16; and men of high position were approached with presents, Ge 43:11 Jud 6:18 1Sa 9:7 1Ki 14:3. Kings made gifts of garments to those they wished to honor, Ge 45:22,23 1Sa 18:4; and of treasures to other princes, out of esteem or of fear, 2Ki 16:8 18:14 2Ch 9:9,12. Conquerors scattered gifts from their triumphal cars, and special privileges in token of generous joy, Ps 68:18 Ac 1:2,4. Prophets received gifts, or declined them, as duty required, 2Ki 5:15 8:9 Da 2:48 5:17. The word gifts often denotes bribes, Ex 23:8 Ps 15:5 Isa 5:23. The same word is also applied to the offerings required by the law, De 16:17 Mt 5:23,24; to the blessings of the gospel and eternal life, which are preeminently gifts, Ac 8:20; to the Christian grace, for the same reason, Eph 4:8,11; and to the miraculous endowments of the apostles, 1Co 12:1-14:40. See TONGUES.