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Selected Verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Th 1:6 Strong Concordance And [2532] ye [5210] became [1096] followers [3402] of us [2257], and [2532] of the Lord [2962], having received [1209] the word [3056] in [1722] much [4183] affliction [2347], with [3326] joy [5479] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151]:
  King James And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
And ye--answering to "For our Gospel," Th1 1:5.

followers--Greek, "imitators." The Thessalonians in their turn became "ensamples" (Th1 1:7) for others to imitate.

of the Lord--who was the apostle of the Father, and taught the word, which He brought from heaven, under adversities [BENGEL]. This was the point in which they imitated Him and His apostles, joyful witness for the word in much affliction: the second proof of their election of God (Th1 1:4); Th1 1:5 is the first (see on Th1 1:5).

received the word in much affliction-- (Th1 2:14; Th1 3:2-5; Act 17:5-10).

joy of--that is, wrought by "the Holy Ghost." "The oil of gladness" wherewith the Son of God was "anointed above His fellows" (Psa 45:7), is the same oil with which He, by the Spirit, anoints His fellows too (Isa 61:1, Isa 61:3; Rom 14:17; Jo1 2:20, Jo1 2:27).
27 But [2532] the anointing [5545] which [3739] ye [5210] have received [2983] of [575] him [846] abideth [3306] in [1722] you [5213], and [2532] ye need [5532] [2192] not [3756] that [2443] any man [5100] teach [1321] you [5209]: but [235] as [5613] the same [846] anointing [5545] teacheth [1321] you [5209] of [4012] all things [3956], and [2532] is [2076] truth [227], and [2532] is [2076] no [3756] lie [5579], and [2532] even as [2531] it hath taught [1321] you [5209], ye shall abide [3306] in [1722] him [846].
20 But [2532] ye [5210] have [2192] an unction [5545] from [575] the Holy One [40], and [2532] ye know [1492] all things [3956].
17 For [1063] the kingdom [932] of God [2316] is [2076] not [3756] meat [1035] and [2532] drink [4213]; but [235] righteousness [1343], and [2532] peace [1515], and [2532] joy [5479] in [1722] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151].
3 To appoint [07760] unto them that mourn [057] in Zion [06726], to give [05414] unto them beauty [06287] for ashes [0665], the oil [08081] of joy [08342] for mourning [060], the garment [04594] of praise [08416] for the spirit [07307] of heaviness [03544]; that they might be called [07121] trees [0352] of righteousness [06664], the planting [04302] of the LORD [03068], that he might be glorified [06286].
1 The Spirit [07307] of the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] is upon me; because the LORD [03068] hath anointed [04886] me to preach good tidings [01319] unto the meek [06035]; he hath sent [07971] me to bind up [02280] the brokenhearted [07665] [03820], to proclaim [07121] liberty [01865] to the captives [07617], and the opening of the prison [06495] to them that are bound [0631];
7 Thou lovest [0157] righteousness [06664], and hatest [08130] wickedness [07562]: therefore God [0430], thy God [0430], hath anointed [04886] thee with the oil [08081] of gladness [08342] above thy fellows [02270].
5 But [1161] the Jews [2453] which believed not [544], moved with envy [2206], [2532] took unto them [4355] certain [5100] lewd [4190] fellows [435] of the baser sort [60], and [2532] gathered a company [3792], and set all [2350] the city [4172] on an uproar [2350], and [5037] assaulted [2186] the house [3614] of Jason [2394], and sought [2212] to bring [71] them [846] out [1519] to the people [1218].
6 And [1161] when they found [2147] them [846] not [3361], they drew [4951] Jason [2394] and [2532] certain [5100] brethren [80] unto [1909] the rulers of the city [4173], crying [994], [3754] These [3778] that have turned [387] the world [3625] upside down [387] are come [3918] hither [1759] also [2532];
7 Whom [3739] Jason [2394] hath received [5264]: and [2532] these [3778] all [3956] do [4238] contrary [561] to the decrees [1378] of Caesar [2541], saying [3004] that there is [1511] another [2087] king [935], one Jesus [2424].
8 And [1161] they troubled [5015] the people [3793] and [2532] the rulers of the city [4173], when they heard [191] these things [5023].
9 And [2532] when they had taken [2983] security [2425] of [3844] Jason [2394], and [2532] of the other [3062], they let [630] them [846] go [630].
10 And [1161] the brethren [80] immediately [2112] sent away [1599] [5037] Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609] by [1223] night [3571] unto [1519] Berea [960]: who [3748] coming [3854] thither went [549] into [1519] the synagogue [4864] of the Jews [2453].
2 And [2532] sent [3992] Timotheus [5095], our [2257] brother [80], and [2532] minister [1249] of God [2316], and [2532] our [2257] fellowlabourer [4904] in [1722] the gospel [2098] of Christ [5547], to [1519] establish [4741] you [5209], and [2532] to comfort [3870] you [5209] concerning [4012] your [5216] faith [4102]:
3 That no man [3367] should be moved [4525] by [1722] these [5025] afflictions [2347]: for [1063] yourselves [846] know [1492] that [3754] we are appointed [2749] thereunto [1519] [5124].
4 For [1063] verily [2532], when [3753] we were [2258] with [4314] you [5209], we told [4302] you [5213] before [4302] that [3754] we should [3195] suffer tribulation [2346]; even [2532] as [2531] it came to pass [1096], and [2532] ye know [1492].
5 For this [5124] cause [1223], when I [2504] could [4722] no longer [3371] forbear [4722], I sent [3992] to [1519] know [1097] your [5216] faith [4102], lest by some means [3381] [4458] the tempter [3985] have tempted [3985] you [5209], and [2532] our [2257] labour [2873] be [1096] in [1519] vain [2756].
14 For [1063] ye [5210], brethren [80], became [1096] followers [3402] of the churches [1577] of God [2316] which [3588] in [1722] Judaea [2449] are [5607] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424]: for [3754] ye [5210] also [2532] have suffered [3958] like things [5024] of [5259] your own [2398] countrymen [4853], even [2532] as [2531] they have [846] of [5259] the Jews [2453]:
5 For [3754] our [2257] gospel [2098] came [1096] not [3756] unto [1519] you [5209] in [1722] word [3056] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] in [1722] power [1411], and [2532] in [1722] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] in [1722] much [4183] assurance [4136]; as [2531] ye know [1492] what manner of men [3634] we were [1096] among [1722] you [5213] for [1223] your [5209] sake.
5 For [3754] our [2257] gospel [2098] came [1096] not [3756] unto [1519] you [5209] in [1722] word [3056] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] in [1722] power [1411], and [2532] in [1722] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] in [1722] much [4183] assurance [4136]; as [2531] ye know [1492] what manner of men [3634] we were [1096] among [1722] you [5213] for [1223] your [5209] sake.
4 Knowing [1492], brethren [80] beloved [25], your [5216] election [1589] of [5259] God [2316].
7 So [5620] that ye [5209] were [1096] ensamples [5179] to all [3956] that believe [4100] in [1722] Macedonia [3109] and [2532] Achaia [882].
5 For [3754] our [2257] gospel [2098] came [1096] not [3756] unto [1519] you [5209] in [1722] word [3056] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] in [1722] power [1411], and [2532] in [1722] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] in [1722] much [4183] assurance [4136]; as [2531] ye know [1492] what manner of men [3634] we were [1096] among [1722] you [5213] for [1223] your [5209] sake.
8 And [2532] there was [1096] great [3173] joy [5479] in [1722] that [1565] city [4172].
5 But [1161] the Jews [2453] which believed not [544], moved with envy [2206], [2532] took unto them [4355] certain [5100] lewd [4190] fellows [435] of the baser sort [60], and [2532] gathered a company [3792], and set all [2350] the city [4172] on an uproar [2350], and [5037] assaulted [2186] the house [3614] of Jason [2394], and sought [2212] to bring [71] them [846] out [1519] to the people [1218].
6 And [1161] when they found [2147] them [846] not [3361], they drew [4951] Jason [2394] and [2532] certain [5100] brethren [80] unto [1909] the rulers of the city [4173], crying [994], [3754] These [3778] that have turned [387] the world [3625] upside down [387] are come [3918] hither [1759] also [2532];
7 Whom [3739] Jason [2394] hath received [5264]: and [2532] these [3778] all [3956] do [4238] contrary [561] to the decrees [1378] of Caesar [2541], saying [3004] that there is [1511] another [2087] king [935], one Jesus [2424].
8 And [1161] they troubled [5015] the people [3793] and [2532] the rulers of the city [4173], when they heard [191] these things [5023].
1 Be [1096] ye followers [3402] of me [3450], even as [2531] I also [2504] am of Christ [5547].
16 Wherefore [3767] I beseech [3870] you [5209], be ye [1096] followers [3402] of me [3450].
5 But [1161] the Jews [2453] which believed not [544], moved with envy [2206], [2532] took unto them [4355] certain [5100] lewd [4190] fellows [435] of the baser sort [60], and [2532] gathered a company [3792], and set all [2350] the city [4172] on an uproar [2350], and [5037] assaulted [2186] the house [3614] of Jason [2394], and sought [2212] to bring [71] them [846] out [1519] to the people [1218].
21 Yet [1161] hath he [2192] not [3756] root [4491] in [1722] himself [1438], but [235] dureth [2076] for a while [4340]: for [1161] when tribulation [2347] or [2228] persecution [1375] ariseth [1096] because [1223] of the word [3056], by and by [2117] he is offended [4624].
1 Be [1096] ye followers [3402] of me [3450], even as [2531] I also [2504] am of Christ [5547].
9 Those things [5023], which [3739] ye have [3129] both [2532] learned [3129], and [2532] received [3880], and [2532] heard [191], and [2532] seen [1492] in [1722] me [1698], do [4238]: and [2532] the God [2316] of peace [1515] shall be [2071] with [3326] you [5216].
17 Brethren [80], be [1096] followers together [4831] of me [3450], and [2532] mark [4648] them which walk [4043] so [3779] as [2531] ye have [2192] us [2248] for an ensample [5179].
12 Brethren [80], I beseech [1189] you [5216], be [1096] as [5613] I [1473] am; for [3754] I [2504] am as [5613] ye [5210] are: ye have not injured [91] me [3165] at all [3762].
1 Be [1096] ye followers [3402] of me [3450], even as [2531] I also [2504] am of Christ [5547].
16 Wherefore [3767] I beseech [3870] you [5209], be ye [1096] followers [3402] of me [3450].
7 For [1063] yourselves [846] know [1492] how [4459] ye ought [1163] to follow [3401] us [2248]: for [3754] we behaved [812] not [3756] ourselves disorderly [812] among [1722] you [5213];
9 For [1063] what [5101] thanks [2169] can we [1410] render [467] to God [2316] again [467] for [4012] you [5216], for [1909] all [3956] the joy [5479] wherewith [3739] we joy [5463] for [1223] your sakes [5209] before [1715] our [2257] God [2316];
12 That [3363] ye be [1096] not [3363] slothful [3576], but [1161] followers [3402] of them who through [1223] faith [4102] and [2532] patience [3115] inherit [2816] the promises [1860].
6 And [1161] when they found [2147] them [846] not [3361], they drew [4951] Jason [2394] and [2532] certain [5100] brethren [80] unto [1909] the rulers of the city [4173], crying [994], [3754] These [3778] that have turned [387] the world [3625] upside down [387] are come [3918] hither [1759] also [2532];
5 But [1161] the Jews [2453] which believed not [544], moved with envy [2206], [2532] took unto them [4355] certain [5100] lewd [4190] fellows [435] of the baser sort [60], and [2532] gathered a company [3792], and set all [2350] the city [4172] on an uproar [2350], and [5037] assaulted [2186] the house [3614] of Jason [2394], and sought [2212] to bring [71] them [846] out [1519] to the people [1218].