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Selected Verse: Matthew 20:29 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 20:29 Strong Concordance And [2532] as they [846] departed [1607] from [575] Jericho [2410], a great [4183] multitude [3793] followed [190] him [846].
  King James And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
See Mar 10:46-52, and Luk 18:35-43; Luk 19:1, where this account of his restoring to sight two blind men is also recorded. "And as they departed from Jericho." This was a large town about eight miles west of the Jordan, and about 19 miles northeast from Jerusalem. Near to this city the Israelites crossed the Jordan when they entered into the land of Canaan, Jos 3:16. It was the first city taken by Joshua, who destroyed it to the foundation, and pronounced a curse on him who should rebuild it, Jos 6:20-21, Jos 6:26. This curse was literally fulfilled in the days of Ahab, nearly 500 years later, Kg1 16:34. It afterward became the place of the school of the prophets, Kg2 2:5. In this place Elisha worked a signal miracle, greatly to the advantage of the inhabitants, by rendering the waters near it, that were before bitter, sweet and wholesome, Kg2 2:21. In point of size it was second only to Jerusalem. It was sometimes called the city of palm-trees, from the fact that there were many palms in the vicinity.

A few of them are still remaining, Ch2 28:15; Jdg 1:16; Jdg 3:13. At this place died Herod the Great, of a most wretched and foul disease. See the notes at Mat 2:19. It is now a small village, wretched in its appearance, and inhabited by a very few persons, and called "Riha, or Rah," situated on the ruins of the ancient city (or, as some think, three or four miles east of it), which a modern traveler describes as a poor, dirty village of the Arabs. There are perhaps fifty houses, of rough stone, with roofs of bushes and mud, and the population, two or three hundred, in number, is entirely Muslim. Dr. Thomson (The Land and the Book, vol. ii. p. 443) says of this village, that there are some forty or fifty of the most forlorn habitations that I have seen. And this is Jericho! These houses, or rather huts, are surrounded by a special kind of fortification, made of nubk, a species of bush very abundant in this plain. Its thorns are so sharp and the branches are so platted together that neither horse nor man will attack it." The road from Jerusalem to Jericho lies through what is called the "wilderness of Jericho," and is described by modern travelers as the most dangerous and forbidding about Palestine. As recently as 1820, an English traveler, Sir Frederick Henniker, was attacked on this road by the Arabs with firearms, who left him naked and severely wounded. See the notes at Luk 10:30. Jesus was going to Jerusalem from the east side of the Jordan Mat 19:1; his regular journey was therefore through Jericho.

As they departed from Jericho - Luke says, "As he was come nigh unto Jericho." The original word used in Luke, translated "was come nigh," commonly expresses approach to a place, but it does not of necessity mean that always. It may denote nearness to a place, whether going to it or from it. It would be rendered here correctly, "when they were near to Jericho," or when they were in the vicinity of it, without saying whether they were going to it or from it. Matthew and Mark say they were going from it. The passage in Luk 19:1 - "and Jesus entered and passed through Jericho" - which seems to be mentioned as having taken place after the cure of the blind man, does not necessarily suppose that. That passage might be intended to be connected with the account of Zacchaeus, and not to denote the order of time in which these events took place; but simply that as he was passing through Jericho, Zacchaeus sought to see him, and invited him to his house. Historians vary in the circumstances and order of events. The main facts of the narrative are observed; and such variations of circumstances and order, where there is no palpable contradiction, show the honesty of the writers - show that they did not conspire together to deceive, and are in courts of justice considered as confirmations of the truth of the testimony.

Mat 20:30

Two blind men - Mark and Luke mention but one.

They do not say, however, that there was no more than one. They mention one because he was probably well known; perhaps the son of a distinguished citizen reduced to poverty. His name was Bartimeus. Bar is a Syriac word, meaning "son;" and the name means, therefore, "the son of Timeus." Probably "Timeus" was a man of distinction; and as the case of his son attracted most attention, Mark and Luke recorded it particularly. If they had said that there was only one healed, there would have been a contradiction. As it is, there is no more contradiction or difficulty than there is in the fact that the evangelists, like all other historians, often omit many facts which they do not choose to record.

Heard that Jesus passed by - They learned who he was by inquiring. They heard a noise, and asked who it was (Luke). They had doubtless heard much of his fame, but had never before been where he was, and probably would not be again. They were therefore more earnest in calling upon him.

Son of David - That is, "Messiah," or "Christ." This was the name by which the Messiah was commonly known. He was the illustrious descendant of David in whom the promises especially centered, Psa 132:11-12; Psa 89:3-4. It was the universal opinion of the Jews that the Messiah was to be the descendant of David. See Mat 22:42. On the use of the word son, see the notes at Mat 1:1.

Mat 20:31

And the multitude rebuked them because ... - They chid or reproved them, and in a threatening manner told them to be silent.

They cried the more - Jesus, standing still, ordered them to be brought to him (Mark)

His friends then addressed the blind men and told them that Jesus called (Mark). Mark adds that Bartimeus cast away his garment, and rose and came to Jesus. "The garment" was not his only raiment, but was the outer garment, thrown loosely over him, and commonly laid aside when persons labored or ran. See the notes at Mat 5:40. His doing it denoted haste and earnestness in order to come to Jesus.

Mat 20:34

And touched their eyes - Mark and Luke say he added, "Thy faith hath saved thee." Thy "confidence, or belief" that I could cure, has been the means of obtaining this blessing.

Faith had no power to open the eyes, but it led the blind men to Jesus; it showed that they had just views of his power; it was connected with the cure. So "faith" has no power to save from sin, but it leads the poor, lost, blind sinner to him who has power, and in this sense it is said we are saved by faith. His "touching" their eyes was merely "a sign" that the power of healing proceeded from him.

Here was an undoubted miracle.

1. These blind men were well known. One, at least, had been blind for a long time.

2. They were strangers to Jesus. They could not have, therefore, "feigned" themselves blind, or done this by any "collusion or agreement" between him and themselves in order to impose on the multitude.

3. The miracle was in the presence of multitudes who took a deep interest in it, and who could easily have detected the imposition if there had been any.

4. The people followed him. They praised or "glorified" God (Mark and Luke). The people gave praise to God also (Luke). They were all satisfied that a real miracle was performed.

Remarks On Matthew 20

1. From the parable at the beginning of this chapter Mat. 20:1-16 we learn that it is not so much the time that we serve Christ as the "manner," that is to entitle us to high rewards in heaven. Some may be in the church many years, yet accomplish little. In a few years, others may be more distinguished in the success of their labors and in their rewards.

2. God will do justice to all, Mat 20:13. He will give to every one of his followers all that he promised to give. To him entitled to the least he will give everything which he has promised, and to each one infinitely more than he has deserved.

3. On some he will bestow higher rewards than on others, Mat 20:16. There is no reason to think that the condition of people in heaven will be "equal," any more than it is on earth. Difference of rank may run through all God's government, and still no one be degraded or be deprived of his rights.

4. God does as he pleases with his own, Mat 20:15. It is his right to do so - a right which people claim, and which God may claim. If he does injustice to no one, he has a right to bestow what favors on others he pleases. In doing good to another man he does no injury to me. He violated none of my rights by bestowing great talents on Newton or great wealth on Solomon. He did not injure me by making Paul a man of distinguished talents and piety, or John a man of much meekness and love. What he gives me I should be thankful for and improve; nor should I be envious or malignant that he has given to others more than he has to me. Nay, I should rejoice that he has bestowed such favors on undeserving people at all; that the race is in possession of such talents and rewards, to whosoever given; and should believe that in the hands of God such favors will be well bestowed. God is a sovereign, and the Judge of all the earth will do that which is right.

5. It is our duty to go into the vineyard and labor faithfully when ever the Lord Jesus calls us, and until he calls us to receive our reward, Mat. 20:1-16. He has a right to call us, and there are none who are not invited to labor for Him.

6. Rewards are offered to all who will serve him, Mat 20:4. It is not that we deserve any favor, or that we shall not say at the end of life that we have been "unprofitable" servants, but He graciously promises that our rewards shall be measured by our faithfulness in His cause. He will have the glory of bringing us into His kingdom and saving us, while He will bestow rewards on us according as we have been faithful in His service.

7. People may be saved in old age, Mat 20:6. Old people are sometimes brought into the kingdom of Christ and made holy, but it is rare. Few aged people are converted. They drop into the grave as they lived; and to a man who wastes his youth and his middle life in sin, and goes down into the vale of years a rebel against God, there is a dreadful probability that he will die as he lived. It will be found to be true, probably, that by far more than half who are saved are converted before they reach the age of 20. Besides, it is foolish as well as wicked to spend the best of our days in the service of Satan, and to give to God only the poor remnant of our lives that we can no longer use in the cause of wickedness. God should have our first and best days.

8. Neither this parable nor any part of the Bible should be so abused as to lead us to put off the time of repentance to old age. It is "possible," though not "probable," that we shall live to be old. Few, few, of all the world, live to old age. Thousands die in childhood. The time, the accepted time to serve God, is in early life; and God will require it at the hands of parents and teachers if they do not train up the children committed to them to love and obey Him.

9. One reason why we do not understand the plain doctrines of the Bible is our own prejudice, Mat 20:17-19. Our Saviour plainly told his disciples that he must die. He stated the manner of his death, and the principal circumstances. To us, all this is plain, but they did not understand it (Luke). They had filled their heads with notions about his earthly glory and honor, and they were not willing to see the truth as he stated it. Never was there a more just proverb than that "none are so blind as those who will not see." So to us the Bible might be plain enough. The doctrines of truth are revealed as clear as a sunbeam, but we are filled with previous notions - we are determined to think differently; and the easiest way to gratify this is to say we do not see it so. The only correct principle of interpretation is, that the Bible is to be taken "just as it is." The meaning that the sacred writers intended to teach is to be sought honestly; and when found, that, and that only, is religious truth.

10. Mothers should be cautious about seeking places of honor for their sons, Mat 20:20-22. Doing this, they seldom know what they ask. They may be seeking the ruin of their children. it is not in posts of honor that happiness or salvation are certainly secured. Contentment and peace are found oftenest in the humble vale of honest and sober industry - in attempting to fill up our days with usefulness in the situation where God has placed us. As the purest and loveliest streams often flow in the retired grove, far from the thundering cataract or the stormy ocean, so is the sweet peace of the soul; it dwells oftenest far from the bustle of public life, and the storms and tempests of ambition.

11. Ambition in the church is exceedingly improper, Mat 20:22-28. It is not the nature of religion to produce it. It is opposed to all the modest, retiring, and pure virtues that Christianity produces. An ambitious man will be destitute of religion just in proportion to his ambition, and piety may always be measured by humility. He that has the most lowly views of himself, and the highest of God - that is willing to stoop the lowest to aid his fellow-creatures and to honor God has the most genuine piety. Such was the example of our Saviour, and it can never be any dishonor to imitate the Son of God.

12. The case of the blind men is an expressive representation of the condition of the sinner, Mat 20:30-34.

(1) people are blinded by sin. They do not by nature see the truth of religion.

(2) it is proper in this state of "blindness" to call upon Jesus to open our eyes. If we ever see, it will be by the grace of God. God is the fountain of light, and those in darkness should seek him.

(3) present opportunities should be improved. This was the first time that Jesus had been in Jericho. It was the last time he would be there. He was passing through it on his way to Jerusalem. So he passes among us by his ordinances. So it may be the last time that we shall have an opportunity to call upon him. While he is near we should seek him.

(4) when people rebuke us and laugh at us, it should not deter us from calling on the Saviour. There is danger that they will laugh us out of our purpose to seek him, and we should cry the more earnestly to him. We should feel that our eternal all depends on our being heard.

(5) the persevering cry of those who seek the Saviour aright will not be in vain. They who cry to him, sensible of their blindness, and sensible that he only can open their eyes, will be heard. He turns none away who thus call upon him.

(6) sinners must rise and come to Jesus. They must cast away everything that hinders their coming. As the blind Bartimeus threw off his "garments," so sinners should throw away everything that hinders their going to him everything that obstructs their progress and cast themselves at his feet. No man will be saved while "sitting still." The command is, "Strive to enter in;" and the promise is made to those only who "ask," and "seek," and "knock."

(7) faith is the only channel through which we shall receive mercy. According to our faith - that is, our confidence in Jesus, our trust and reliance on him so will it be to us. Without that, we shall perish.

(8) they who apply to Jesus thus will receive sight. Their eyes will be opened and they will see clearly.

(9) they who are thus restored to sight should follow Jesus. They should follow him wherever he leads; they should follow him always; they should follow none else but him. He that can give sight to the blind cannot lead us astray. He that can shed light in the "beginning" of our faith, can enlighten our goings through all our pilgrimage, and even down through the dark valley of the shadow of death.
30 And [2532], behold [2400], two [1417] blind men [5185] sitting [2521] by the way [3598] side [3844], when they heard [191] that [3754] Jesus [2424] passed by [3855], cried out [2896], saying [3004], Have mercy [1653] on us [2248], O Lord [2962], thou Son [5207] of David [1138].
31 And [1161] the multitude [3793] rebuked [2008] them [846], because [2443] they should hold their peace [4623]: but [1161] they cried [2896] the more [3185], saying [3004], Have mercy [1653] on us [2248], O Lord [2962], thou Son [5207] of David [1138].
32 And [2532] Jesus [2424] stood still [2476], and called [5455] them [846], and [2532] said [2036], What [5101] will ye [2309] that I shall do [4160] unto you [5213]?
33 They say [3004] unto him [846], Lord [2962], that [2443] our [2257] eyes [3788] may be opened [455].
34 So [1161] Jesus [2424] had compassion [4697] on them, and touched [680] their [846] eyes [3788]: and [2532] immediately [2112] their [846] eyes [3788] received sight [308], and [2532] they followed [190] him [846].
22 But [1161] Jesus [2424] answered [611] and said [2036], Ye know [1492] not [3756] what [5101] ye ask [154]. Are ye able [1410] to drink [4095] of the cup [4221] that [3739] I [1473] shall [3195] drink of [4095], and [2532] to be baptized [907] with the baptism [908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized with [907]? They say [3004] unto him [846], We are able [1410].
23 And [2532] he saith [3004] unto them [846], Ye shall drink [4095] indeed [3303] of my [3450] cup [4221], and [2532] be baptized [907] with the baptism [908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized with [907]: but [1161] to sit [2523] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188], and [2532] on [1537] my [3450] left [2176], is [2076] not [3756] mine [1699] to give [1325], but [235] it shall be given to them for whom [3739] it is prepared [2090] of [5259] my [3450] Father [3962].
24 And [2532] when the ten [1176] heard [191] it, they were moved with indignation [23] against [4012] the two [1417] brethren [80].
25 But [1161] Jesus [2424] called [4341] them [846] unto him, and said [2036], Ye know [1492] that [3754] the princes [758] of the Gentiles [1484] exercise dominion over [2634] them [846], and [2532] they that are great [3173] exercise authority upon [2715] them [846].
26 But [1161] it shall [2071] not [3756] be [2071] so [3779] among [1722] you [5213]: but [235] whosoever [3739] [1437] will [2309] be [1096] great [3173] among [1722] you [5213], let him be [2077] your [5216] minister [1249];
27 And [2532] whosoever [3739] [1437] will [2309] be [1511] chief [4413] among [1722] you [5213], let him be [2077] your [5216] servant [1401]:
28 Even as [5618] the Son [5207] of man [444] came [2064] not [3756] to be ministered unto [1247], but [235] to minister [1247], and [2532] to give [1325] his [846] life [5590] a ransom [3083] for [473] many [4183].
20 Then [5119] came [4334] to him [846] the mother [3384] of Zebedee's [2199] children [5207] with [3326] her [846] sons [5207], worshipping [4352] him, and [2532] desiring [154] a certain [5100] thing [3844] of him [846].
21 And [1161] he said [2036] unto her [846], What [5101] wilt thou [2309]? She saith [3004] unto him [846], Grant [2036] that [2443] these [3778] my [3450] two [1417] sons [5207] may sit [2523], the one [1520] on [1537] thy [4675] right hand [1188], and [2532] the other [1520] on [1537] the left [2176], in [1722] thy [4675] kingdom [932].
22 But [1161] Jesus [2424] answered [611] and said [2036], Ye know [1492] not [3756] what [5101] ye ask [154]. Are ye able [1410] to drink [4095] of the cup [4221] that [3739] I [1473] shall [3195] drink of [4095], and [2532] to be baptized [907] with the baptism [908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized with [907]? They say [3004] unto him [846], We are able [1410].
17 And [2532] Jesus [2424] going up [305] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414] took [3880] the twelve [1427] disciples [3101] apart [2596] [2398] in [1722] the way [3598], and [2532] said [2036] unto them [846],
18 Behold [2400], we go up [305] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414]; and [2532] the Son [5207] of man [444] shall be betrayed [3860] unto the chief priests [749] and [2532] unto the scribes [1122], and [2532] they shall condemn [2632] him [846] to death [2288],
19 And [2532] shall deliver [3860] him [846] to the Gentiles [1484] to [1519] mock [1702], and [2532] to scourge [3146], and [2532] to crucify [4717] him: and [2532] the third [5154] day [2250] he shall rise again [450].
6 And [1161] about [4012] the eleventh [1734] hour [5610] he went out [1831], and found [2147] others [243] standing [2476] idle [692], and [2532] saith [3004] unto them [846], Why [5101] stand ye [2476] here [5602] all [3650] the day [2250] idle [692]?
4 And said [2036] unto them [2548]; Go [5217] ye [5210] also [2532] into [1519] the vineyard [290], and [2532] whatsoever [3739] [1437] is [5600] right [1342] I will give [1325] you [5213]. And [1161] they went their way [565].
15 [2228] Is it not [3756] lawful [1832] for me [3427] to do [4160] what [3739] I will [2309] with [1722] mine own [1699]? [1487] Is [2076] thine [4675] eye [3788] evil [4190], because [3754] I [1473] am [1510] good [18]?
16 So [3779] the last [2078] shall be [2071] first [4413], and [2532] the first [4413] last [2078]: for [1063] many [4183] be [1526] called [2822], but [1161] few [3641] chosen [1588].
13 But [1161] he answered [611] one [1520] of them [846], and said [2036], Friend [2083], I do [91] thee [4571] no [3756] wrong [91]: didst [4856] not [3780] thou agree [4856] with me [3427] for a penny [1220]?
34 So [1161] Jesus [2424] had compassion [4697] on them, and touched [680] their [846] eyes [3788]: and [2532] immediately [2112] their [846] eyes [3788] received sight [308], and [2532] they followed [190] him [846].
40 And [2532] if any man will [2309] sue [2919] thee [4671] at the law [2919], and [2532] take away [2983] thy [4675] coat [5509], let [863] him [846] have [863] thy cloke [2440] also [2532].
31 And [1161] the multitude [3793] rebuked [2008] them [846], because [2443] they should hold their peace [4623]: but [1161] they cried [2896] the more [3185], saying [3004], Have mercy [1653] on us [2248], O Lord [2962], thou Son [5207] of David [1138].
1 The book [976] of the generation [1078] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], the son [5207] of David [1138], the son [5207] of Abraham [11].
42 Saying [3004], What [5101] think [1380] ye [5213] of [4012] Christ [5547]? whose [5101] son [5207] is he [2076]? They say [3004] unto him [846], The Son of David [1138].
3 I have made [03772] a covenant [01285] with my chosen [0972], I have sworn [07650] unto David [01732] my servant [05650],
4 Thy seed [02233] will I establish [03559] for [05704] ever [05769], and build up [01129] thy throne [03678] to all [01755] generations [01755]. Selah [05542].
11 The LORD [03068] hath sworn [07650] in truth [0571] unto David [01732]; he will not turn [07725] from it; Of the fruit [06529] of thy body [0990] will I set [07896] upon thy throne [03678].
12 If thy children [01121] will keep [08104] my covenant [01285] and my testimony [05713] that [02090] [02097] I shall teach [03925] them, their children [01121] shall also sit [03427] upon thy throne [03678] for evermore [05703].
30 And [2532], behold [2400], two [1417] blind men [5185] sitting [2521] by the way [3598] side [3844], when they heard [191] that [3754] Jesus [2424] passed by [3855], cried out [2896], saying [3004], Have mercy [1653] on us [2248], O Lord [2962], thou Son [5207] of David [1138].
1 And [2532] Jesus entered [1525] and passed through [1330] Jericho [2410].
1 And [2532] it came to pass [1096], that when [3753] Jesus [2424] had finished [5055] these [5128] sayings [3056], he departed [3332] from [575] Galilee [1056], and [2532] came [2064] into [1519] the coasts [3725] of Judaea [2449] beyond [4008] Jordan [2446];
30 And [1161] Jesus [2424] answering [5274] said [2036], A certain [5100] man [444] went down [2597] from [575] Jerusalem [2419] to [1519] Jericho [2410], and [2532] fell among [4045] thieves [3027], which [3739] [2532] stripped [1562] him [846] of his raiment [1562], and [2532] wounded [4127] [2007] him, and departed [565], leaving [863] him half dead [2253] [5177].
19 But [1161] when Herod [2264] was dead [5053], behold [2400], an angel [32] of the Lord [2962] appeareth [5316] in [2596] a dream [3677] to Joseph [2501] in [1722] Egypt [125],
13 And he gathered [0622] unto him the children [01121] of Ammon [05983] and Amalek [06002], and went [03212] and smote [05221] Israel [03478], and possessed [03423] the city [05892] of palm trees [08558] [05899].
16 And the children [01121] of the Kenite [07017], Moses [04872]' father in law [02859], went up [05927] out of the city [05892] of palm trees [08558] [05899] with the children [01121] of Judah [03063] into the wilderness [04057] of Judah [03063], which lieth in the south [05045] of Arad [06166]; and they went [03212] and dwelt [03427] among [0854] the people [05971].
15 And the men [0582] which were expressed [05344] by name [08034] rose up [06965], and took [02388] the captives [07633], and with the spoil [07998] clothed [03847] all that were naked [04636] among them, and arrayed [03847] them, and shod [05274] them, and gave them to eat [0398] and to drink [08248], and anointed [05480] them, and carried [05095] all the feeble [03782] of them upon asses [02543], and brought [0935] them to Jericho [03405], the city [05892] of palm trees [08558] [05899], to [0681] their brethren [0251]: then they returned [07725] to Samaria [08111].
21 And he went forth [03318] unto the spring [04161] of the waters [04325], and cast [07993] the salt [04417] in there, and said [0559], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], I have healed [07495] these waters [04325]; there shall not be from thence any more death [04194] or barren [07921] land.
5 And the sons [01121] of the prophets [05030] that were at Jericho [03405] came [05066] to Elisha [0477], and said [0559] unto him, Knowest [03045] thou that the LORD [03068] will take away [03947] thy master [0113] from thy head [07218] to day [03117]? And he answered [0559], Yea, I know [03045] it; hold ye your peace [02814].
34 In his days [03117] did Hiel [02419] the Bethelite [01017] build [01129] Jericho [03405]: he laid the foundation [03245] thereof in Abiram [048] his firstborn [01060], and set up [05324] the gates [01817] thereof in his youngest [06810] son Segub [07687], according to the word [01697] of the LORD [03068], which he spake [01696] by [03027] Joshua [03091] the son [01121] of Nun [05126].
26 And Joshua [03091] adjured [07650] them at that time [06256], saying [0559], Cursed [0779] be the man [0376] before [06440] the LORD [03068], that riseth up [06965] and buildeth [01129] this city [05892] Jericho [03405]: he shall lay the foundation [03245] thereof in his firstborn [01060], and in his youngest [06810] son shall he set up [05324] the gates [01817] of it.
20 So the people [05971] shouted [07321] when the priests blew [08628] with the trumpets [07782]: and it came to pass, when the people [05971] heard [08085] the sound [06963] of the trumpet [07782], and the people [05971] shouted [07321] with a great [01419] shout [08643], that the wall [02346] fell down flat [05307], so that the people [05971] went up [05927] into the city [05892], every man [0376] straight before him, and they took [03920] the city [05892].
21 And they utterly destroyed [02763] all that was in the city [05892], both man [0376] and woman [0802], young [05288] and old [02205], and ox [07794], and sheep [07716], and ass [02543], with the edge [06310] of the sword [02719].
16 That the waters [04325] which came down [03381] from above [04605] stood [05975] and rose up [06965] upon an [0259] heap [05067] very [03966] far [07368] from the city [05892] Adam [0121], that is beside [06654] Zaretan [06891]: and those that came down [03381] toward the sea [03220] of the plain [06160], even the salt [04417] sea [03220], failed [08552], and were cut off [03772]: and the people [05971] passed over [05674] right against Jericho [03405].
1 And [2532] Jesus entered [1525] and passed through [1330] Jericho [2410].
35 And [1161] it came to pass [1096], that as [1722] he [846] was come nigh [1448] unto [1519] Jericho [2410], a certain [5100] blind man [5185] sat [2521] by [3844] the way side [3598] begging [4319]:
36 And [1161] hearing [191] the multitude [3793] pass by [1279], he asked [4441] what [5101] it [5124] meant [1498].
37 And [1161] they told [518] him [846], that [3754] Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3480] passeth by [3928].
38 And [2532] he cried [994], saying [3004], Jesus [2424], thou Son [5207] of David [1138], have mercy [1653] on me [3165].
39 And [2532] they which went before [4254] rebuked [2008] him [846], that [2443] he should hold his peace [4623]: but [1161] he [846] cried [2896] so much [4183] the more [3123], Thou Son [5207] of David [1138], have mercy [1653] on me [3165].
40 And [1161] Jesus [2424] stood [2476], and commanded [2753] him [846] to be brought [71] unto [4314] him [846]: and [1161] when he [846] was come near [1448], he asked [1905] him [846],
41 Saying [3004], What [5101] wilt thou [2309] that I shall do [4160] unto thee [4671]? And [1161] he said [2036], Lord [2962], that [2443] I may receive my sight [308].
42 And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto him [846], Receive thy sight [308]: thy [4675] faith [4102] hath saved [4982] thee [4571].
43 And [2532] immediately [3916] he received his sight [308], and [2532] followed [190] him [846], glorifying [1392] God [2316]: and [2532] all [3956] the people [2992], when they saw [1492] it, gave [1325] praise [136] unto God [2316].
46 And [2532] they came [2064] to [1519] Jericho [2410]: and [2532] as he [846] went [1607] out of [575] Jericho [2410] with [2532] his [846] disciples [3101] and [2532] a great [2425] number of people [3793], blind [5185] Bartimaeus [924], the son [5207] of Timaeus [5090], sat [2521] by [3844] the highway side [3598] begging [4319].
47 And [2532] when he heard [191] that [3754] it was [2076] Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3480], he began [756] to cry out [2896], and [2532] say [3004], Jesus [2424], thou Son [5207] of David [1138], have mercy [1653] on me [3165].
48 And [2532] many [4183] charged [2008] him [846] that [2443] he should hold his peace [4623]: but [1161] he cried [2896] the more [3123] a great deal [4183], Thou Son [5207] of David [1138], have mercy [1653] on me [3165].
49 And [2532] Jesus [2424] stood still [2476], and commanded [2036] him [846] to be called [5455]. And [2532] they call [5455] the blind man [5185], saying [3004] unto him [846], Be of good comfort [2293], rise [1453]; he calleth [5455] thee [4571].
50 And [1161] he, casting away [577] his [846] garment [2440], rose [450], and came [2064] to [4314] Jesus [2424].
51 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [611] and said [3004] unto him [846], What [5101] wilt [2309] thou that I should do [4160] unto thee [4671]? [1161] The blind man [5185] said [2036] unto him [846], Lord [4462], that [2443] I might receive my sight [308].
52 And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto him [846], Go thy way [5217]; thy [4675] faith [4102] hath made [4982] thee [4571] whole [4982]. And [2532] immediately [2112] he received his sight [308], and [2532] followed [190] Jesus [2424] in [1722] the way [3598].
35 And [1161] it came to pass [1096], that as [1722] he [846] was come nigh [1448] unto [1519] Jericho [2410], a certain [5100] blind man [5185] sat [2521] by [3844] the way side [3598] begging [4319]:
46 And [2532] they came [2064] to [1519] Jericho [2410]: and [2532] as he [846] went [1607] out of [575] Jericho [2410] with [2532] his [846] disciples [3101] and [2532] a great [2425] number of people [3793], blind [5185] Bartimaeus [924], the son [5207] of Timaeus [5090], sat [2521] by [3844] the highway side [3598] begging [4319].